Postgraduate diploma students and Undergraduates do not have an entitlement to use other institution’s libraries and do not qualify under the various reciprocal schemes that exist.
If you wish to visit another library during the academic year you will have to apply to the Library Services Desk for a Letter of Introduction. Please check the website of the library that you wish to visit for Opening Hours and local regulations.
Students of UCC may also avail of:
CorkPAL is a Cork regional reciprocal library access scheme.
It is co-operative venture between libraries in higher education, health, and the public library service in the Cork region. It provides free access to the collective library resources of Cork City and County.
The CorkPAL Access Card tells the staff at the library you are visiting that you are a genuine learner and that your special requirements for knowledge and information cannot be dealt with by your own library.
Your level of access will be determined by the library you are visiting. At a minimum you will be allowed to consult printed materials. Internet and electronic resources cannot normally be used in academic libraries unless you are a student of that organization, due to licence agreements.
Participating Libraries:
Staff and Students of UCC wishing to avail of this scheme should contact the Library Services Desk, Q Floor, Boole Library.
Members of other participating libraries wishing to gain access to the UCC Library should contact their home library for details of this scheme.
UCC Library
University College Cork
T12 ND89
+353 (21) 490-2292
UCC Library
At the Heart of UCC