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Library Explorer Challenge

Library Explorer Challenge

Library Explorer Challenge Questions 

Answer any ten questions correctly this semester and claim a prize!* Get your Library Explorer Challenge card from the Library Services Desk on the ground floor. Come back there or head to the Digital Scholarship Studio on the first floor, or Special Collections & Archives in the basement with your answers. You can answer one question at a time, or all ten together, whatever you prefer.

  1. What 3D printed vegetable can be seen in the display cabinet outside the Digital Scholarship Studio? (Hint: The Digital Scholarship Studio is located on the first floor, Q+1) 
  2. Name one game available to play in the library Virtual Reality Lounge (Hint Home - Virtual Reality - UCC Library at University College Cork) 
  3. Where do the yellow footprints lead you to? (Hint: look on the floor near the old stairs to the basement) 
  4. Find a book with one of the following words in the title and bring it to the library services desk: Heart or Eat or Nature (Hint: watch this 2 minute video on how to find a book in the Boole How To Find A Book or this one on finding a book in Brookfield UCC Library - Finding a Book in Brookfield Library 
  5. N/A
  6. On the outside Special Collections & Archives’ wall graphic there are 11 collections mentioned. Identify 5 of them. (Hint: Special Collections & Archives are in the basement of the Boole) 
  7. How many group study rooms are there in Brookfield Library? (Hint: LibCal - UCC Library) 
  8. You can borrow a laptop from our Lapsafe for four hours. If it’s late back, what is the fine? (Hint: Home - Laptop Loan - UCC Library at University College Cork) 
  9. On the outside Special Collections & Archives’ wall graphic there are six people named. Identify 3 of them.  (Hint: Special Collections & Archives are in the basement of the Boole.) 
  10. Look out the windows in the Creative Zone. What is the name of the building across the way? (Hint: it also has the word “Boole” in its name) 
  11. Where is the Living Wall located in the library? 
  12. Name a Canvas Module about the Library (Hint: Open the Supporting Learning menu on library homepage: Home - Library Homepage - UCC Library at University College Cork
  13. On which floor is the colour printer in Brookfield Library
  14. Find the Energy Pod on Q+3 and read the guidelines displayed on the sign there. Who should use caution when using the pod? 
  15. There is a video recording studio in the basement of the Boole library where you can also record podcasts. True or False? 
  16. On the outside Special Collections & Archives’ wall graphic there are 10 types of item shown. Identify 5 of them.  (Hint: Special Collections & Archives are in the basement of the Boole.) 
  17. Whose portrait is hanging on the wall between the book returns unit and the Student Social Space in the Boole? 
  18. Name two things you need your student card for in the library. 
  19. What is the title of the sculpture on the wall over the bench outside Brookfield Library
  20. On the outside Special Collections & Archives’ wall graphic three buildings and places feature. Identify 1 of them and say what’s there now. (Hint: Special Collections & Archives are in the basement of the Boole.)

*One prize per student                                                                                                                                

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