The IReL-Cambridge University Press agreement (2021-2025) allows eligible corresponding authors in participating institutions (including UCC) to publish original research and review articles open access upon publication at no extra cost. It also provides read access to 404 Cambridge University Press journals across most subject areas.
For your article submission to be included under the agreement, you must be the corresponding author and affiliated to 'University College Cork' at the time the article is accepted for publication. During the article submission process you must correctly identify your institution as 'University College Cork'. You must use your UCC email address, and not addresses from other domains.
For queries about Open Access agreements and IReL resources, please contact:
For more general queries about Open Access:
Almost all CUP hybrid and fully open access journals. There are a small number of journals that do not offer OA or require authors to transfer copyright (and these are indicated on the list).
See the full list of all eligible journals:
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