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EBSCO will perform a 3-hour scheduled maintenance on EBSCO eBooks on Sunday, 9 February, commencing at 7.00am. During the maintenance window, users will not be able to download DRM-protected eBooks. Users will continue to have access to read eBooks in the online viewer, download chapters, and download DRM-free eBooks.
LibKey Link delivers one-click access to millions of PDF and HTML e-journal articles from UCC Library’s subscribed resources, as well as any available open access articles.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
A full-text database containing the corpus of Latin literature produced in Celtic-speaking Europe, together with the Latin works of the Irish “peregrini” on the continent, from the period 400-1200 A.D. Contains more than 400 Latin works spanning the fields of theology, liturgy, grammar, hagiography, poetry, and historiography, as well as legal texts, charters, inscriptions, and others from Ireland, Wales, Brittany, Cornwall, and Scotland. Compiled as part of the Royal Irish Academy's Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources project.
This resource is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
Contains the complete corpus of medieval translations of the works of Aristotle, comprising those texts that have been critically edited in the printed Aristoteles Latinus series, as well as other corpora that have already been published or that are currently in preparation or unpublished. The database is not identical to the printed edition, as it omits the prefaces describing the manuscript tradition; nor does it include the apparatus of variant readings, the Greek-Latin comparative apparatus, or the bilingual indexes of the printed version. The texts included are prepared and supervised by the Aristoteles Latinus Centre of the Catholic University of Leuven, and produced in collaboration with the CTLO.
This resource is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
Brepolis Latin Complete provides access to several databases, including the Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature, the Aristoteles Latinus Database, the Database of Latin Dictionaries, the Library of Latin Texts and the Monumenta Germaniae Historica.
The Cross Database Searchtool allows the user to search several databases simultaneously.
The Database of Latin Dictionaries offers access to 27 dictionaries, giving an immediate overview of Latin vocabulary, from Antiquity up to the present day. The Dictionary of medieval Latin from British sources (DMLBS) is included in this resource.
This resource is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
The resource, the first fascicle of which appeared in 1975 and the 17th and last in 2013, is “the most comprehensive dictionary of Medieval Latin to have been produced and the first ever to focus on British Medieval Latin”. The Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources (DMLBS) is included in the Database of Latin Dictionaries.
This resource is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
This searchtool provides simultaneous searching for four databases: Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature, Aristoteles Latinus Database, Library of Latin Texts and Monumenta Germaniae Historica.
This resource is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
This database provides methods guidance and is produced by an international team of methodologist collaborators. The database includes all topics relevant to health research such as:
With texts of Latin literature spanning the Classical, Patristic, Medieval, and Neo-Latin periods, the Library of Latin Texts (LLT) is the world's leading database for Latin texts. The texts have been taken from the Corpus Christianorum series and from many other leading editions.
The resource is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
The resource was founded in 1819 by the Gesellschaft fur Deutschlands altere Geschichtskunde. In more than 300 volumes, covering the widest possible range of historical documents, divided into five major Series (Scriptores, Leges, Diplomata, Epistolae and Antiquitates) and into 33 Subseries, this resource contains 1,450 full searchable European medieval historical texts.
This resoure is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
This History eBook Collection contains over 2,400 scholarly titles.
This resource is available until July 2025.
This Law eBook Collection contains over 2,300 scholarly titles.
This resource is available until July 2025.
This Political Science eBook Collection contains over 2,600 scholarly titles.
This resource is available until July 2025.
Sage Campus offers online courses supporting the teaching and learning of skills and research methods, where users can work through topics at their own pace. Topics covered include critical skills and research methods for across all stages of academic study, navigating information, data literacy, research skills, data science skills, and getting published.
To access Sage Campus content, users must register a personal account using their UCC email credentials, and then they will be able to enrol on the available courses.
The “Sources Chretiennes” series provides critical editions of texts from the first 1400 years of the Church, accompanied by a French translation as well as an introduction and notes. The series consists of editions-with-translations of Christian texts in Greek, Latin, Syriac, Armenian and Georgian.
UpToDate is an evidence based, clinical information resource, which answers clinical questions.
• To access UpToDate content, the provider requires that you register a personal account with them. You will need to use your UCC email credentials in order to complete this registration.
• Users will need to reconfirm their affiliation with University College Cork every 90 days.
• Please read the Privacy Policy at to ensure that you are aware of how personal data is handled by the provider.
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