Business Source Complete is a scholarly business database, providing a collection of bibliographic and full text content, including Marketline Reports. It also contains SWOT analyses.
Business Source Complete does not contain comprehensive company financial reports but it is still a good source of company information.
Eikon is a set of software products to monitor and analyse financial information. It provides access to real time market data, news, fundamental data, analytics, trading and messaging tools.
Access is available with a username and password – please email
N.B. When finished using the resource, please log out clicking on the Sign Out to the left of the Home link on top left of screen.
FAME contains UK & Ireland Company accounts, ratios, activities, ownership and management for over 15 million UK and Irish companies. The level of information available on a company varies greatly depending on whether the company is public or private.
Nexis brings together thousands of authoritative financial news, business news, legal, regulatory, company and industry research sources. Search, share, analyse and monitor information that’s continually being updated and goes back 40 years, from Irish and international newspapers, websites, blogs, trade journals and market researchers.
International statistical information and market analysis. Access information by country, company, consumer market, etc. Provides business intelligence on countries, consumers and industries.
Also provides an in depth analysis of the economic, political, social and demographic trends affecting countries and regions worldwide.
With many of Ireland's most prominent regional, daily and out of print titles, membership allows access to the most comprehensive and complete Irish newspaper archive available. is the most complete and up-to-date listing of Annual Reports online and is America's largest annual report service. is a free Internet service. You can look for a company through 7 search criteria: alphabetically, by company name, by ticker symbol, by sector, by industry, by exchange, and by index. Once a company is found, it can be viewed in either HTML or PDF format and, if available, order a hardcopy.