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Open Access @ UCC: Upload your publication to CORA

Open access is a broad international movement that seeks to grant free and open online access to academic information, such as publications and data.

Why upload/archive your publication with CORA?

Much of the results of scholarly research are published in journals which are only available to those who can pay for access or whose institution pays a subscription.

However, authors do have the option to provide access to all by archiving the author's accepted manuscript version of their article in an institutional repository such as CORA

This is sometimes called Green open access to distinguish it from publisher-hosted or “Gold” open access. It involves no cost to authors.

Email CORA

You can e-mail your accepted version together with a reference for the publication to and we will archive your publication on your behalf in accordance with the CORA deposit licence.

Which creative commons open access licence should I choose?

Creative Commons (CC) licenses do not replace copyright. By adopting CC licenses authors allow others to use their published work more flexibly. We recommend that you first check if your funding body requires or prefers a specific license.

The most common CC licenses are:

CC BY logo
CC BY: This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

CC BY-NC logo
CC BY-NC: This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

CC BY NC-ND logo
CC BY-NC-ND: This license is the most restrictive of the six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.


For more information on the full range of CC licensing options, and advice on choosing the right license for your research, see the CC license choosing tool.

How to archive your publication in CORA

If you are a UCC researcher, you can submit your publication to CORA through your IRIS profile. IRIS is UCC's research profile system. IRIS support is available here: IRIS FAQ's 

Go to your list of outputs in IRIS and click on the red button  beside the publication you wish to upload and follow the prompts.


Email your publication to and we will upload it for you.


The important thing to remember is that most publishers will only permit authors to post the author's accepted manuscript version of a publication on the repository. 


The accepted version is the final draft, after peer review, which incorporates any peer review changes, but without the publisher's formatting, typesetting or logos


After you upload your publication to CORA, we will:

  • Convert it to PDF to facilitate display and preservation
  • Check open access publication rights specified by the publisher
  • Each publication you submit to CORA will be checked by the CORA team to ensure that your journal or publisher's policy has been met. The copyright and self-archiving policies of publishers are checked using SHERPA RoMEO, the publisher's website or if necessary by contacting the publisher
  • Verify that the final draft accepted manuscript (also known as the post-print) has been deposited. If the incorrect version has been deposited, we will contact the author for the correct version
  • Apply appropriate embargoes, copyright and licence statements
  • Make metadata publicly available immediately
  • Promote citation of and link to the official, published version.  Access to the publisher’s version may be restricted by password or payment controls set by the publisher


Different formats can be uploaded and these will be converted to pdf where appropriate. We accept the following research publications in CORA:

  • Books
  • Book Chapters
  • Books Edited
  • Book Reviews
  • Journal Articles
  • Conference Items
  • Reports
  • Government Publications written by UCC authors
  • Scholarly contributions to newspapers or magazines

What is the Accepted Version?

The accepted version is the final draft, after peer review, which incorporates any peer review changes, but without the publisher's formatting, typesetting or logos

Sample Accepted Version


Sample Published Version


Click here to see an item on CORA which has accepted and published versions archived together.

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