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Early Years and Childhood Studies: Journals and Databases

Library Resources for Early Years & Childhood Studies

Journals and eJournals

What is an Academic Journal?

A 'periodical' or 'serial' = any publication published regularly (includes magazines, newspapers, newsletters).

A ‘scholarly’/academic’ journal:  periodical containing research articles, that is peer-reviewed, and aimed at researchers.

Peer review: every paper/article submitted to the journal is reviewed by independent experts. Papers are accepted/rejected based on quality.

Top Multidisciplinary Databases

Academic Search Complete
Depending on what you are studying or researching databases from other subject areas may also be useful:

Medical Databases


For access to UCC theses and theses from other Universities refer to the Theses Guide.


For information about Newspapers in UCC Library, and newspapers available through Library databases, see the Newspapers Guide.

News Sources
Irish Newspaper Archive

Irish Times Digital Archive

Irish Times Online         


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