The collection contains political books and pamphlets, especially concerning the Catholic-Protestant relationship, items on theology, philosophy and ethics. The collection has c.280 books of which 10 are from the 16th century with the remainder from the 17th-18th centuries. Languages of items in the collections include Latin, Spanish and Irish.
The collection prefix before the call number is: Green Coat School.
The school started as a private foundation for the children of poor Protestant families on Cork city’s northside. It was so called because the uniform was a green coat and cap. This school and the Cork Blue Coat School became closely linked to the city and to public charity. Both schools were vocationally oriented.
The collection was donated by the Select Vestry of St Luke’s in 1999.
Pietas Corcagiensis: or, A view of the Green-coat Hospital and other charitable foundations in the parish of St. Mary Shandon, Corke: shewing the several steps that have been taken in erecting and supporting those charities. Cork: Publish’d by order of the trustees (and sold for the use) of that hospital: Printed by Samuel Terry, 1721.
Burnet, Gilbert. The History of the Reformation of the Church of England: in two parts. London: Printed for J. Walthoe and B. Tooke [etc.], 1715.
Nicholls, William. The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacrament: According to the use of the Church of England, with the Psalms of David, paraphras'd: together with the lives of the apostles, and an account of the original of the fasts and feasts of the church, with several of the rubricks, occasionally explain'd. London: Printed for J. Holland and W. Taylor, 1709.
Towerson, Gabriel. Of the Sacraments in General: in pursuance of an explication of the catechism of the Church of England. London: printed for Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul’s Church-Yard, 1686.
Laud, William. A Relation of the Conference betweene William Lawd: then Lrd Bishop of St. Davids, now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbvry, and Mr Fisher the Jesuite, by the command of King James of ever blessed memorie. With an answer to such exceptions as A.C. takes against it. / by the said Most Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. London: Printed by Richard Badger, MDCXXXIX, [1639].
Plutarch. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes / compared together by that graue learned philosopher and historiographer, Plutarke of Chaeronea; translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amyot … and out of French into Englishe by Thomas North. London: Imprinted by Thomas Vautroullier and Iohn VVight, 1579.