The collection reflects the personal interest of Noel O’Connell.
The collection prefix before the call number is: NOC.
Noel O'Connell's family donated his library to UCC Library in February 2008.
The Senate of the NUI decided to award either the Pierce Malone Prize in Engineering or the Bursary in Civil Engineering to WN O'Connell, BE who had qualified for both. The two cannot be held by the same person. Mr O'Connell obtained 1st Class Honours and a Scholarship as an Undergraduate. In 1949 he was a demonstrator in rhe Engineering Dept. The Senate of the NUI decided to award either the Pierce Malone Prize in Engineering or the Bursary in Civil Engineering to WN O'Connell, BE who had qualified for both. The two cannot be held by the same person. Mr O'Connell obtained 1st Class Honours and a Scholarship as an Undergraduate. In 1949 he was a demonstrator in the Engineering Dept.
Noel O'Connell (1929-1991) attended UCC graduating with an engineering degree in 1949. He lectured for a year and then moved to London where he established a successful consultancy. Later he would assist in developing a course in Irish Studies at Kilburn Polytechnic. In his spare time he was involved in and contributed hugely to several London-based Irish societies, including the Irish Texts Society, of which he was Honorary Secretary at the time of his premature death, and the Irish Literary Society, of which he was President for many years. This is reflected in his collection of books, which is particularly representative of the Irish and Anglo-Irish literary revivals. Noel O'Connell was Honorary Treasurer/Cisteoir Oinigh of the Irish Text Society 1962- 67 and its Honorary Secretary/Runai Oinigh 1967-91.
Noel O'Connell's signature is located on the endleaves of A Celtic Miscellany.
Jackson, Kenneth Jackson. A Celtic Miscellany: Translations from the Celtic Literatures. London: Routledge & Paul, 1951.
Four Irish Songs was published c.1910. The linen cover to Four Irish Songs has decorated letters familiar to many from Irish manuscripts. Four Irish Songs is a good example of the Celtic Revival. It is dedicated by the author to the members of the Irish Folk Song Society.
Fox, Charlotte Milligan. Four Irish Songs. Words by Edith Wheeler and Alice Milligan; the Connacht Caoine (in Irish) by Tadhg O Donnchadha; illustrated by Seaghan MacCathmhaiol (John Campbell). Dublin: Maunsel, [19--].
James Haly was a printer based at the Kings Arms near the Exchange and was the son-in-law of William Flyn. In addition to printing and stocking books Haly also stocked lottery tickets, stationery, prints and patent medicines. He also printed An Humble Remonstrance (1789) in which the author argues for Catholic participation in the commercial life of Cork. Michael Harris was also a printer based at 6 Castle Street. He also printed Rambles Through Ireland by a French Emigrant. John Connor’s bookshop and circulating library established at 17 Castle Street, at the corner of Cornmarket John Connor was the third printer and he was based on Patrick Street. He also printed the third edition of Smith's The ancient and present state of the county and city of Cork.
Roche, Regina Maria. The Children of the Abbey: A Tale. Cork: J. Haly, M. Harris, and J. Connor, 1798.
The History of the Irish Nation is one of several historical works by M.F Cusack. The book has gilt decoration, with metalwork around the edges of the covers and metal clasps. The work gives an overview of Irish history beginning with an ethnology of the Irish race and covering a range of topics such as the pre-Christian colonisation of the island, the Brehon laws, the death of Brian Boru, the Anglo-Norma invasions and the Elizabethean plantations.
Cusack, Mary Francis. A History of the Irish Nation: Social, Ecclesiastical, Biographical, Industrial and Antiquarian. London: J.G. Murdoch, 1877.
Cork University Record #17: p.11.