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Older Printed Books Collection: Works About /Cited

Items printed and published before 1850.

Works About/Citing

Anonymous. "Two famous Cork numismatists. I. Richard Sainthill, II. John Lindsay." Ser. 2, 4.39 (1898): 198-204.

Barry, John and Hiram Morgan, eds. Great Deeds in Ireland: Richard Stanihurst's De Rebus in Hibernia Gestis. Cork: Cork UP, 2013. [Richard Stanihurst's De Rebus in Hibernia Gestis]

Bateman, Dilys. "A Cork man and a controversial Bible: McNamara and the Rhemish notes." Long Room 39 (1994): 32-38. [The Holy Catholic Bible : containing the whole of the books in the sacred Scriptures; translated from the Latin Vulgate, the Old Testament, first published at the English college, at Doway, A.D. 1609]

J. P. D. "With pen and pencil around Cork." Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society Ser. 1, Vol. 3.26 (1894): 30-33.

McCracken, Eileen. “The Cork Botanic Gardens.” Garden History 8.1 (1980): 41–45. via JSTOR. [Gardener's Chronicle]

McCarthy, J.P., "In search of Cork's collecting traditions: from Kilcrea's Library to the Boole Library of today." Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society 100 (1995): 29-46.

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