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Postgraduate: Library Access

Postgraduate UCC Student

ID cards for new postrgraduate students are issued on completion of registration and orientation.  This ID card will be for the duration of the student's programme of study and will be validated each year on payment of the relevant fee.

ID cards for ongoing students, which are for the duration of the programme, will be validated at the start of the new academic year provided that the student registers online and pays the relevant fee.

As a student of UCC you are entitled to use the UCC Library. Your Student ID card is also your Library Card and must be used to gain entry to all UCC Libraries.  You must have your UCC ID card with you at all times.  This card is non-transferrable and must not under any circumstances be given to another person to gain entry to the Library; this is considered a breach of Library Regulations.

  • UCC Library operates a No Card - No Entry policy.
  • If your student card is lost or broken it must be replaced immediately.
  • New cards are available from the Student Records and Examinations Office.
  • Please report any lost or stolen cards to the Library Services Desk, Q Floor, Boole Library.
  • There is no charge for replacement if the card is broken due to normal wear and tear. 
  • If a card is lost, there is a €20 charge for a  replacement.
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