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Salvage Press Collection: Home

The Salvage Press collaborates with creatives from many disciplines producing book projects which are predominantly of Irish interest.

About the Collection

The Salvage Press Collection includes standard and deluxe limited edition works, prospectuses for works, broadsides and woodcut printings.

The collection prefix before the call number is: Salvage Press.

About Distillers Press

Since 2012 The Salvage Press has been the imprint of typographic designer and letterpress printer Jamie Murphy. Under the imprint Murphy produces publications using historical sources as their basis or publications that are collaborative endeavours with artists and illustrators. Jamie Murphy studied at NCAD, then worked in the design industry, before returning to NCAD to complete a MA. Murphy decided at this point to concentrate on letterpress design and step back from commercial work. In 2015 Murphy was appointed letterpress Printer at NCAD.

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