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Study of Religions: Getting Started

Library resources for Study of Religions

Library Essentials - Getting Started

Spotlight On

Encyclopedia of Religion Online

This resource  is considered a standard reference in the field. It presents  a cross-cultural approach that emphasizes religion's role within everyday life and as a unique experience from culture to culture. It contains over 3,000 entries.

You can search online at the link above.

The print edition is available in the library. It is shelved on Q+2. The call number is f200.3 ENCY

Study of Religions Resources at UCC Library


Boole Library  study area

This guide lists and describes resources for the Study of Religions at University College Cork Library. The tabs at the top of the page will help you find books, e-books, journals, databases, referencing information and theses.

If you need help using the resources listed on these pages please contact me.

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