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Cork Deeds: Item Descriptions

Cork Deeds: Item Descriptions

The Cork Deeds collection has been fully catalogued and is listed below.

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1.       16 Aug 1754

Lease made between Benjamin Sullivan, City of Corke {sic}, and James Morrison, City of Corke, for two fields estimated to be eleven acres, part of Ballintemple in the South Liberties of the city of Corke. The fields are bounded on the north by the strand adjoining the river, on the south with the high road leading to Blackrock, to the East by Mr. [Bournefield’s] lands, and to the west by other fields owned by said Mr. Benjamin Sullivan. It is for a term of 890 years from 29th September next, for the sum of £25 sterling, to be paid half-yearly on the 25th March and 29th September. Signed and sealed by both parties at the end of the document.

1 skin

2.       16 Feb 1765

Lease made between George Evan, City of Dublin, and William Rogers (Pewterer), City of Corke {sic}, for a large front house on the west end of Evans Lane, City of Corke, which Rogers resides in. It is bounded on the west with the Main Street, on the East by William Harvey’s house, on the north with John Dooley’s house and on the south with Evan’s Lane. It is from the 1st November last for the natural lives of said William Rogers, Thomas Rogers and John Smith Rogers, sons of Rogers, for and during their natural lives, and any others named in renewals of lease in place of those already named. It is for the sum of £18 sterling, over and above all taxes, charges and impositions, to be paid half-yearly on the 1st May and 1st November. Rogers agree to maintain the premises, and expend £80 sterling to improve the premises within a year of said lease: if he does not, the annual rent increases to £20 sterling. For each new lift added to the lease, there is a charge of £9 sterling. Signed and sealed by both parties.

1 skin

3.       20 Sep 1791

Lease made between George Evans Bruce, Hermitage, Co. Limerick, and Joseph Harmon, City of Corke {sic}, for a dwelling house, back houses, yard, garden and premises in the parish of St. Fin Barrys in the south surburbs of the city of Corke. It is presently in the tenancy of Harmon, but was lately held by Rev. [Jonathon] Bruce. It is for a term of 30 years from the 29th September, at a rent of £32 sterling, paid half-yearly on the 29th September and 25th March. Signed and sealed by both parties.


4.       23 Sep 1791

Lease made between Rev. Thomas Weekes (Clerk), [Kilbrillain] belonging to the Cathedral Church of St. Finbarry, Cork, and George Evans Bruce, Hermitage, Co. Limerick for five houses now in the possession of Mary Bruce and Joseph Harmon, undertenants of George Evans Bruce, in the parish of St. Fin Barrys, Cork. It is for a term of 40 years from the 25th March last, for a rent of £8 to be paid quarterly – 24th January, 29th September, 25th December, and 25th March. Signed and sealed by both parties.


5.       21 June 1798

Lease made between the Rev. Alexander Kennedy (Clerke), city of Cork and James Wallis Esq., City of Cork, for the front dwelling house, out offices, cellars and yard, at Dunscombes Marsh, parish of Christ Church, and city of Corke {sic}, together with the rights of water channels, quays, landing places in the south channel fronting the demised premises that Kennedy has rights to demise. It is bounded in the east with the dwelling house of George Breton, on the west with the dwelling house lately occupied by Catherine Fenton (Widow), on the north with the holdings bounding said yard in the possession of Thomas Harris and his undertenants, and on the south with the South Mall. It is for a term of 900 years from the 24th June instant, at a rent of £20 sterling, to be paid half-yearly on the 24th June and 25th December. Signed and sealed by both parties.

1 skin

6.       4 Mar 1837

Mortgage made between James, 2nd Earl of Bandon, Castle Bernard, Co. Cork, and Sir Hopton Stratford Scott KCB (Major General in the East India Company in Madras), Woodville, Co. Dublin, for certain lands and premises in County Cork for securing £23,000 with Interest. These lands are part of the baronies of Carberry {sic}, Orrey and Kilmore, Duhallow, and Barrymore. Signed and sealed by both parties.

2 skins

7.       4 Nov 1852

Deed of Settlement made between George Evans, 7th Baron Carbery, Castle Freke, Co. Cork, and Harriet Maria Catherine, Baroness Carbery (his wife) in the 1st part, Edmund William Shuldham (her father and Lieutenant General in the East India Company’s service), Dunmanway, Co. Cork, in the 2nd part, and Fenton John Evans Freke (Captain in her Majesty’s Second Regiment of Life Guards), William John Freke (Solicitor), city of Dublin, and Edmund Anderson Shuldham, Dunmanway, Co. Cork, in the 3rd part, listing the trusts and agreements involved in the marriage between Baron Carbery and Harriet Shuldham in August 1852. A later declaration by Baron Carbery and his wife releases Fenton John Evans Freke as one of the Trustees of the settlement. Signed and sealed by only the Baron and Baroness Carbery. A declaration on the reverse of the settlement notes that George Evans, Lord Baron Carbery is “…Deaf and Dum, but being capable of reading”.

9 skins

8.         21 Jan 1856

Counterpart Grant in Fee Farm made between James, 2nd Earl of Bandon, Castle Bernard, Co. Cork of the 1st part, Robert Bird (Gentleman), town of Bandon, Co. Cork of the 2nd part, and Thomas Barter (Gentleman), Gurteen and the town of Bandon, Co. Cork of the 3rd part. In pursuance of the provisions of the “Renewable Leasehold Conversion Act”, the said Earl of Bandon grants to Bird and Barter, their heirs and assigns, 3 acres of land, part of East Gully, forever, for the annual rent of £4.6s.4d, payable half yearly on the 29th Sept. and the 25th March. Signed and sealed by all parties.

4 skins

9.       8 Feb 1856

Partition Order in the matter of the estate of John Canniffe Assignee of William Banfield Bernard (an Insolvent), brought by Thomas Kingston (Petitioner) to the Court of the Commissioners for Sale of Incumbered Estates in Ireland. Lands involved include part of Cully, Bandon town, Knocknagarrane, and Clancycarney. Includes 4 coloured maps with varying scales of the areas in question, surveyed by Bernard & O’Neill, Surveyors &c, 54 South Mall, Cork (Aug. 1857).

3 skins

10.     4 Jul 1857

Conveyance made by the Commissioners for sale of Incumbered Estates in Ireland to Richard Martin Meredith. For the sum of £1,525 they convey to Meredith the townlands of Slievedotia called Newgrove in the barony of Barretts, County Cork containing 712 acres, 3 roods and 16 perches for an annual rent of £64.12s.4d to be paid half-yearly on the first of May and first of November. Includes a schedule of the original lease held on the lands; and a map of the lands with a scale of 9 inches to a mile, drawn by Fleming & Locke, Surveyors &r, 2 Henrietta Street, Dublin.

1 item

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