The Wright Collection has been fully catalogued and is listed below.
If you find material relevant to your research, please note the call number(s) and click here to arrange an appointment to visit.
1. 30 March 1820
Letter to Samuel Wight, 29 Grafton Street, Cork, from Richard Griffith junior, Dublin Society House, explaining his heavy schedule of lectures prevented his earlier acknowledgement of the safe receipt of the box of minerals sent. Refers to the details Wight sent him about the new discovery of Wavillite. Hopes to meet soon in Cork to enjoy “instructive Geological rambles”. Refers to his work perfecting his Geological map.
2. 9 Dec 1849
Letter to Miss Emma Southern at Mrs Boardman’s 35 Dawson St., Dublin, from Bess Brennan, Corbotstown, assuring her of her place in the writers affections even though she was unable to meet her as hoped. Thanks Emma and others for the present sent to her daughter Rosy, and refers to news of mutual acquaintances she had heard from and about. Mentions she has not yet sent Rosy to school as there are none nearer to than 2 miles away. Closes requesting letters from various people.
3. 25 Dec 1846
Letter to Emma Southern sending Christmas greeting from her brother Willaim in Bray. He requests she purchase for him from Browns, Nassau St. a family account book (2/). Gives news of family and friend and note Harriet reports “the people down near Lismore are in a very poor state”. Engraving on letterhead “The Meeting of the Waters”, J. Newman, 30 Budge Row, London.
4. 1872
Copy attendance roll of the Cork Mutual Improvement Association Conversazione, on which “to illustrate the Art of Lithography the Committee request that all the visitors will kindly inscribe their signatures.”
5. [nd]
Ornate lace edged style calling card for Mrs Robert Gilmore. Matching envelope is addressed to Emma Sotheren, 65, Grafton Street, Dublin.
2 items
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