Engineering Village: EI Compendex can be accessed from this platform. EI Compendex covers these engineering areas: mechanical, civil, electrical, structural, chemical, bioengineering, energy, optics, materials science, optics, and pollution.
PION The Environment and Planning family of journals are concerned with all aspects of the evolution of space and spatial arrangement, from the environment and nature through planning and policy to theory and design. Please note that PION journals have moved to SAGE. The 4 journals we have access to are: Environment and Planning A; Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design; Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy; Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Once you are on the title list page, click on "E" and scroll down for Environment and Planning journals.
Access is available to the full ISO and NSAI standards collections (both current and historic versions), plus I.S. Eurocodes.
To search for specific standards, or to view collections, click on My Account on the top right of the page.