In 1935 the Irish Folklore Commission was established. This was responsible for the collection, preservation, classification and study of all aspects of Irish folk traditions until 1971 when it was replaced by the Department of Irish Folklore and incorporated into University College Dublin.
Digitised material from UCD’s Folklore collections is available:
Selected Folklore Material in Special Collections:
Briody, Micheál. The Irish Folklore Commission 1935-1970: History, Ideology, Methodology. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2007. TR 398 BRIO
Ó Súilleabháin, Seán. A Handbook of Irish Folklore. [Dublin]: Published by the Educational Co. of Ireland Ltd. for the Folklore of Ireland Society, 1942. TR 398 OSUI
Béaloideas: Journal of the Folklore of Ireland Society. Special Collections Serials
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