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Examination Papers : Submitting Exam Papers

Online and hardcopy examination papers available from UCC Library and Library website

The system for uploading examination papers has changed. All submissions must now be uploaded using the Exam Submissions process as outlined by the SREO below

  • Please ensure when completing the form that the Module Code, Academic Year and Exam Session are correct as this will be used to organise the papers.
  • Papers must be made available in MS Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF formats.
  • You may upload copies of Paper 1 and Paper 2 for the same module during a single upload session.
  • Please note that DSS have outlined that MS Word formats are the preferred format for accessability.
  • Ensure that files are not password protected. 
  • Remove MCQ portions of the examination paper as these may be used again by some departments. 
  • If a paper has questions from several lecturers, please send a copy of the final version of the entire paper. 
  • Where possible, please submit exam papers through one central person in the department for ease of follow-up, if necessary.

Examination papers are the copyright of University College Cork and may not be distributed or sold outside the University without express permission.

Click here to make a Submission                           

                                                                            Please direct all queries to

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