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L&T: For Researchers

Enabling the development of digital and information skills for all

Research Data Service

This service provides University-wide support and training in all aspects of Research Data Management from active data management to FAIR sharing of data post-project.


Canvas Modules

Both these canvas modules are available to embed in your own canvas course please contact the Research Data Coordinator for more information

The FAIR Principles


This self-guided module gives an overview and introduction to the theory and practice of The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardships.


Research Data Management


This module describes the practical steps needed to draft and implement a research data management plan including the integration of the FAIR Principles.


*Live online Q&A sessions are available through the Library Teaching and Learning calendar to support both these modules. 


Online classes, workshops and group sessions

Online classes, workshops and group session can be organised by request. These can be tailored to a specific discipline or research group or can look at the data management requirements of a particular funding body or call. To request tailored data management or FAIR data training please contact the Research Data Coordinator

UCC Digital Badge in the Responsible Conduct of Research

The UCC Digital Badge in the Responsible Conduct of Research is offered to research groups and units who complete a tailored, blended learning course on responsible, reproducible research. Topics covered include Research Integrity, the FAIR Principles, Research Data Management and Reproducible Research. For more information please contact the Research Data Coordinator

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