'Periodical' or 'serial'
‘Scholarly’ or 'academic’ journal =
Peer review =
Find specific electronic & print journals by searching the Journals Portal
When searching Google Scholar from home, log in to your Library Account first, and then search Google Scholar using the search box on the Library's Databases A-Z or use the search box below.
UCC Library offers training in Boole Library on a variety of topics including Google Scholar. View a list of upcoming events.
For more information, see the following:
Library databases are online collections of information. They mainly contain journal articles but most databases also hold book chapters, book reviews, reports, and conference papers.
Sometimes only the abstract, or summary, of a journal article will be available in a database but often you will be able to read the full text of the article too.
Below are key databases you should be aware of.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. The Cochrane Library provides reliable information from other systematic review abstracts, technology assessments, economic evaluations and individual clinical trials.
UpToDate is an evidence based, clinical information resource, which answers clinical questions.
• To access UpToDate content, the provider requires that you register a personal account with them. You will need to use your UCC email credentials in order to complete this registration.
• Users will need to reconfirm their affiliation with University College Cork every 90 days.
• Please read the Privacy Policy at https://www.wolterskluwer.com/en/solutions/uptodate/policies-legal/privacy-policy to ensure that you are aware of how personal data is handled by the provider.
• For any queries on this resource please email LibraryResources@ucc.ie
Below are other databases of interest.
MedicinesComplete offers access to world leading drug resources. The full text titles subscribed to are: British National Formulary, British National Formulary for Children, Martindale, Palliative Care Formulary, Pharmaceutical Excipients and Stockley's Drug Interactions.
Below are a selection of database tutorials and 'how to' videos.
Information for UCC staff and students in relation to accessing electronic resources, including useful guides and terms and conditions of use, can be found on the Electronic Resources Subject Guide.