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Elaine Harrington

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Elaine Harrington
UCC Library, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
+353 (21) 490-3976
Social: Twitter Page
As of 2019/2020 I have completed a PG Diploma for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. Part of the course asks me to consider what guides me in teaching & learning and how that can impact any person coming to use the library. For this I refer to Bass (1999):
1/ Which learning outcome is the one thing that students would retain from this [module] after leaving?
2/ Could I honestly say that I spent the most amount of time in the [module] teaching to the goal I valued most?

My teaching philosophy includes a commitment to sharing my current knowledge and desire to continue to learn. To this end I present at conferences and seminars.

My Guides

Last update: Jul 11, 2024 581 views
Celtic Studies
Last update: Jul 26, 2024 123 views
Last update: Jul 26, 2024 213 views
Medieval Studies
Last update: Jul 26, 2024 211 views
Last update: May 17, 2024 5 views
Last update: Jul 4, 2024 5151 views
Parliamentary Papers
Last update: Jul 4, 2024 9 views
Last update: May 17, 2024 20 views

My Subject Specialties

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