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Research Support: Graduate Information Literacy

The Library offers a huge range of services and supports for research . This Research Support guide is designed to make UCC researchers aware of research-focussed services and resources available through the UCC Library.

Module Information

Target Audience: PhD & Research Masters 

Duration: 20 hours

Credit Weighting: 5 credits 

The next delivery: February 4th-6th 2025.

You may register here via the Library Events Calendar.

Further Information: email

See also: Book of Modules


Image showing researcher

Comments from Attendees

"It is a very good course. All researchers should do it." 

"It was a great few days, engaging and enjoyable"

"Would have been great if I had known about this module in my first year"

"Thank you, it was a great course and very useful!"


Module Goal

To provide postgraduate students with an introduction to Information Literacy and its application to research; to enable students to develop appropriate skillsets and mindsets for interacting with information in a research context, enhancing the quality of their research outputs and expanding their career opportunities in an evolving information landscape.

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

  1. Describe the complexity, scope and depth of the literature in their research area.
  2. Plan and undertake a comprehensive search and review of the literature around a research topic.
  3. Recognise the challenges involved in evaluating research information and the importance of developing a proactive and critical mindset.
  4. Engage with research information ethically and responsibly.
  5. Manage research information using referencing software.
  6. Identify the essential components of a research data management plan and tailor to their specific research needs.
  7. Recognise the importance of open access publishing and understand the requirements of funding bodies to publish research openly.
  8. Comply with the requirements of IReL (Irish Research eLibrary) open access agreements to avail of funded article processing charges (APCs)


Day 1:   Research Resource Discovery

  • Comprehensive search and review of the literature around your research topic, including using research databases, internet resources, social web tools

Day 2:  Research Resources & Academic Integrity

  • Critically evaluating information resources in terms of authority and value; considering ethical issues when using information
  • Using reference software to manage research information

Day 3:  Open Research & Dissemination

  • Research Data Management
  • Publishing and Disseminating your Research             


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