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Reimagine Your Library: Library Vision and Plan Project Group

Reimagine Your Library: Library Vision and Plan Group

Library Vision and Plan Project Group Members

Coral Black, University Librarian & Project Chair

Alan Carbery, Head of Academic Services, UCC Library

Elaine Harrington, Special Collections Librarian, Special Collections & Archives, UCC Library

Matthew Kelleher, Head of Digital Systems, UCC Library

Niall Kelly, Library Vision & Plan Project Officer

Grace McGlynn, Head of Business Operations & Projects, UCC Library

Martin O'Connor, Communications Coordinator, UCC Library

Cronan Ó Doibhlin, Head of Collections, UCC Library

Donna Ó Doibhlin, Scholarly Communications Librarian, Research & Digital Services, UCC Library

Donna O'Regan, Library Vision & Plan Project Manager

Gerard O'Sullivan, Senior Library Assistant, Acquisitions, UCC Library  

Deborah Thorpe, Research Data Steward, Research & Digital Services, UCC Library

Benjamin Williamson, Learning & Teaching Librarian, Academic Services, UCC Library

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