Since recently taking up my position as University Librarian, I have been warmly welcomed by colleagues across the University. In the months since I started, I have seen the dynamic changes that are taking place within the University, through the UCC Strategic Plan and the UCC Futures initiative. It is clear that UCC Library must respond, ensuring our pivotal role continues, in supporting the learning, teaching and research ambitions of the University. In doing so we recognise the way we contribute has changed significantly, as has our operating environment and the expectations of our stakeholders.
In preparing for the future a new vision and five-year plan for UCC Library is being developed to meet the challenges of the next five years, to shape our services and our teams and to ensure we remain agile in this rapidly changing environment. The future of UCC Library belongs to and depends on everyone at UCC. It is for this reason that the Library Leadership Team are taking a co-design approach to shaping our new direction. We are speaking to our students, academics, professional staff, our alumni, and local community, looking for input on how we reimagine the future Library for UCC.
The final vision and plan that will emerge throughout the next few months will be shaped by us all. If you would like to reach out to a member of our Project Team, please email
Many Thanks,
Coral Black
University Librarian
UCC Library
University College Cork
T12 ND89
+353 (21) 490-2292
UCC Library
At the Heart of UCC