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Reimagine Your Library: Latest News

Reimagine Your Library: Library Vision and Plan Group


The Project Team co-ordinated internal Library Staff workshops as part of our co-design approach to the new UCC Library vision and five-year plan.  

The workshops provided great insights from our staff and gave them an opportunity to be heard and to contribute to a reimagined library.  

We have analysed the feedback from these group sessions and some common themes have been identified. A review of the themes and how they link to the UCC Strategic Plan is underway. This initial analysis will be developed and built out in the coming weeks, but these themes certainly will influence the development of our Library vision and five-year plan. 

Next steps for the project are to meet and engage with our external stakeholders. Next week you will see a link on the library’s webpage and social media platforms, encouraging all staff, students, and the wider community to respond to a questionnaire. 

Library Survey Feedback

We have recently launched our survey to All Staff and Students. Additionally, our survey has been posted on our social media channels, giving the wider community the opportunity to contribute to the reimagined library. The survey closed on 16th, July 2023 and has been widely responded to with over 650 responses of rich feedback.  It has been great to read through the responses and see what the UCC community value about the library. 

We have also identified key stakeholders from across the University community with whom we will formally engage with.  In the coming weeks we will meet with these key stakeholders to gain their insight and to give them the opportunity to have their voices and ideas heard.  In doing so, we know it will strengthen our existing relationships and help us to understand what all of our stakeholders require from their library.

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