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Biochemistry: Databases & eBooks

Open Access Databases

 The Scientific World Journal became Open Access since 2011. This single title comprises a set of overlapping domains and clusters, journals and virtual journals, e-books and special issues. 


Top Databases:

Open Access

Electronic Journals

ARKIVOC  Open Access
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1999)  Open Access

Biochemistry journals: This is a directory/list of open access biochemistry journals listed by ScienceMedia.

Chemical Societies

Biochemical Society

IUBMB (International Union of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)

IUPAC Nomenclature Of Organic Compounds  


Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry

Physical Biochemistry: Principles & Applications  - David Sheehan (Google Books) Preview copy, some pages are suppressed.

Stereochemistry Tutorial - University of Wisconsin-Madison

Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds - D. Nasipuri (Google Books) Preview copy, some pages are suppressed.

Modern Physical Organic Chemistry – E.V. Anslyn, D. A. Dougherty (Google Books)​  Preview copy, some pages are suppressed.

​​​Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry - William O. Foye, Thomas L. Lemke, David A. Williams (Google Books) Preview copy, some chapters are suppressed.​​

Analytical Chemistry - David Kealey, Peter J. Haines (Google Books) Preview copy, some pages and chapters are suppressed.

Pharmacognosy - Kokate, C.K, Purohit, A.P and Gokhale, S.B. (Google Books)Preview copy, some pages and chapters are suppressed.



RSC ebook collection of 747 books online

Free Online Books

Oregon State University has provided access to three free online books on Biochemistry.

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