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Government & Politics: Journals and Databases

Journals and E-journals

Find specific electronic & print journals by searching the Journal Portal  

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What is an Academic Journal?

A 'periodical' or 'serial' = any publication published regularly (includes magazines, newspapers, newsletters).

A ‘scholarly’/academic’ journal:  periodical containing research articles, that is peer-reviewed, and aimed at researchers.

Peer review: every paper/article submitted to the journal is reviewed by independent experts. Papers are accepted/rejected based on quality.


The databases listed below cover Government & Politics:

Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database with good coverage of government and politics

Annual Review of Political Science covers significant developments in the field of Political Science including political theory and philosophy, international relations, political economy, political behavior, American and comparative politics, public administration and policy, and methodology.

Politics Collection from Proquest Central

Proquest: U.K. Parliamentary Papers Formerly known as House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, UK Parliamentary Papers
This database covers Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, encompassing all areas of social, political, economic and foreign policy of the British government and includes records of proceedings, House of Commons debate (HANSARD), Sessional papers, Bills, House papers and Command Papers. Also includes those papers of the House of Lords presented to the Commons, such as reports prepared by the Lords Select Committees.

Guide on how to search in the Parliamentary Papers interface, and for information on the House of Commons and House of Lords papers.

More databases which may be useful

Further resources -  databases such as Science Direct,  Social Sciences Citation Index (through Web of Science) ABI INFORM,  Business Source Complete also cover the topic.

See the full list of databases available at UCC Library

If you need  help using any of these databases please contact your subject librarian

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search


For access to UCC theses and theses from other Universities refer to the Theses Guide.

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