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Special Collections & Archives Launches Its First Colouring Book

profile-icon Mary Keane
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From 7-11 February 2022 UCC Library's Special Collections & Archives launches its first colouring book as part of the annual international colouring festival on social media. We're sharing #ColorOurCollections images to spread awareness and better engagement with our collections by inspiring creativity and sparking curiosity.

Over the course of the week Elaine Harrington, John Rooney, Emma Horgan and Emer Twomey will share a series of #ColorOurCollections blog posts discussing how the process works. 

Access the colouring book directly: #ColourOurCollections

Share your creations with us: #ColourOurCollections @UCCLibrary @theriversideUCC 

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A message from our Library Director Colette McKenna

On behalf of UCC Library I would like to wish you and yours a Happy New Year.

As we start into Semester 2 I would like to reiterate that the safety and wellbeing of all our students and staff remains a high priority. With that in mind there are some points I would like to remind you of:

Planning your visit

  • We continue to follow public health guidelines around COVID so face coverings must be worn at all times in all our library buildings.  Please make use of the hand sanitizing stations located throughout the building. 
  • The library has the longest opening hours of any library in the country. For full information on the opening hours of our buildings and service desks please visit UCC Library Opening Hours.
  • For more information on planning your visit you please read Plan your Visit to UCC Library. 

How we can help you

  • Library Staff are here to help you with all your information, teaching and learning needs. Staff can be contacted at our information desks, or at If you wish to contact specific staff please see UCC Library staff list
  • UCC Library Website is the portal to everything in the library and should be your first port of call if seeking information for your research and assignments as well as information about the library.
  • Please check out UCC Library website for a vast wealth of resources to aid you with your research, teaching and learning - Library Catalogue Databases, E-journals & Books.
  • UCC Library has a number of self-directed Canvas modules which offer teaching to all UCC students on information searching and the Library resources. 
  • To keep up to date with new services and information from the library why not follow us on Social Media Twitter, InstagramFacebook and YouTube.

As always, our approach for Semester 2 will remain under constant review to ensure we are implementing the latest public health guidance.

Best wishes for the coming Semester.

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The latest newsletter from UCC Library is now available. Please click through for information about Library opening hours, new services and staff, Special Collections, Workshops, as well as some tips for getting the best out of UCC library.

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UCC Library, as a member of the IReL consortium, has helped to secure numerous open access agreements with academic publishers. These Transformative Agreements typically allow corresponding authors from eligible institutions (including UCC) to publish their articles open access immediately on publication at no extra cost. For a full list of current agreements (including approximately 10,000 journals), and information on how to avail of them, please consult our new guide:

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