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Hawtin: Displaying a Collection: Publishers

5 different areas in a collection.


In response to a recent exhibition on Elisabeth Friedlander at Ditchling Museum Art + Craft and the opening of the Friedlander Archival Collection at UCC Library I considered how publishing houses are part of an individual's collection. Elisabeth Friedlander's work was synonymous with Penguin but what were the different publishing houses within the Hawtin Collection. It was clear from other forays into the collection that part of the appeal was late 19th century trade bindings but from scanning the shelves I noticed other groupings such as cookery, nature. I considered how to group these in relation to the publishing houses and settled on how the publishing fared: still in business, merged, taken over, defunct, fine printing and cookery. 

The Firms

Duckworth: Gerald Duckworth founded Gerald Duckworth and Company in 1898. It is currently Britain’s oldest active independent trade publisher. Authors published by the firm have included Henry James, John Galsworthy, L. Frank Baum, Virginia Woolf, Evelyn Waugh, D. H. Lawrence, Hilaire Belloc and Beryl Bainbridge. Duckworth's academic division was acquired by Bloomsbury in 2010. 

Methuen: Sir Algernon Methuen (1856–1924) founded Methuen in 1889 initially publishing mostly non-fiction academic works, and later various translations. Methuen published works by Rudyard Kipling, Hilaire Belloc, Robert Louis Stevenson and Oscar Wilde. In 1920 the company published the English translation of Albert Einstein’s Relativity, the Special and the General Theory: A Popular Exposition. Methuen was also the English publisher of the book editions of The Adventures of Tintin albeit with considerable alterations. Methuen continues to publish new works of fiction and non-fiction, as well as reprints of classic works.

George Allen: George Allen (1832-1907) founded the firm that bore his name in 1871 in  conjunction with John Ruskin. This was despite having little experience in the trade. By 1890 Allen had moved from Orpington to Chancery Lane, London and in 1894 he moved to Charing Cross Road. Ruskin's works comprised a major part of the business. In 1914 George Allen merged with Stanley Unwin's publishing firm to become George Allen & Unwin.

Jonathan Cape: Jonathan Cape (1879-1960) worked first for Hatchards Harper & Brothers and Duckworth before starting his own company 'Jonathan Cape' in 1921. The firm published works by AC Fifield, TE Lawrence, Arthur Ransome, and Ernest Hemingway. Jonathan Cape also pubished a cheap series of  books, including the ‘Travellers’ Library’. Ian Fleming's James Bond books proved lucrative for the firm.  After World War II, the James Bond books proved very lucrative for the company. Following Cape's death the firm merged with Chatto in 1969, with Bodley Head in 1973), with Virago in 1987. Today it is an imprint of Random House.

Fisher Unwin: Thomas Fisher Unwin founded 'T. Fisher Unwin' in 1882. Fisher Unwin's nephew Stanley Unwin learned about the publishing industry when he worked in his uncle's firm prior to forming George Allen & Unwin. T FIsher Unwin published works by Joseph Conrad and John Galsworthy. T Fisher Unwin published series including the ‘Pseudonym Library’ (56 vols, 1891–1903), and the ‘First Novel Library’ from 1902. In 1926 T. Fisher Unwin merged with Ernest Benn Ltd. 

A & C Black: In 1834 Adam Black founded in partnership with his nephew, Charles Black, the firm 'A & C Black.'  The firm is best known for publishing Walter Scott's Waverley novels and editions of Encyclopaedia Britannica. From the mid-19th century they also published a series of travel guides: Black's Guides. In 2000 Bloomsbury bought A & C Black. The publishing records of the company are held in the University of Reading

Cassell: John Cassell founded the firm in 1848 and by the 1890s it had become a major international publishing company. Orion bought Cassell in 1998. Today the name survives as an imprint. 

Dent: Joseph Malaby Dent founded J.M Dent and Company in 1888. In 1909 it became 'J.M. Dent & Sons.' For the first five years small runs of works by Charles Lamb, Oliver Goldsmith, Jane Austen, Chaucer and Tennyson were printed on handmade paper. However it was not until the establishment of the Temple Shakespeare series in 1894 that more commerical success followed. In 1904 Dent planned the Everyman's Library, a series of 1000 classics to be published in an attractive format and priced at one shilling. The first title was published in 1906 and 152 titles were published by the end of the first year. However two factors limited the series' continuation: the Copyright Act 1911 which extended protection to fifty years after the author's death thus reducing the availability of Victorian texts, and World War I which saw inflation and shortages of supplies. Weidenfeld and Nicolson purchased J. M. Dent & Sons in 1988 and Dent is now an imprint of Orion. 

Heinemann: William Henry Heinemann (1863-1920) founded the firm in 1890. Heineman published authors such as RL Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling and Joseph Conrad. , the firm also published successful series, including ‘Heinemann’s International Library’, ‘The Great Educators’, and ‘Heinemann Scientific Books’. Heinemann published the ‘Loeb Classical Library ' jointly with Harvard University Press. Doubleday purchased a majority stake following William Heinemann's death in 1920.

John Lane at the Bodley Head: Named after a bust of Sir Thomas Bodley above Elkin Mathews’s Vigo Street bookshop, the Bodley Head became an influential literary publisher. It was founded in 1887 and existed independently until the 1970s. The firm was originally a partnership between John Lane (1854-1925) and Elkin Mathews (1851-1921):  'John Lane and Elkin Mathews — The Bodley Head' and the firm traded in antiquarian books. In 1894 Lane and Mathews started publishing works of ‘stylish decadence’ including the literary periodical The Yellow Book. 20th century authors included Arnold Bennett, Agatha Christie, George Bernard Shaw, Graham Greene, Charles Chaplin, William Trevor, Maurice Sendak, Muriel Spark, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Alistair Cooke. In the 1970s it was taken over by Jonathan Cape/Chatto & Windus group and then sold to Random House in 1987 where the name continued to be used until 2008. The records of The Bodley Head are held in the University of Reading and the Harry Ransom Centre

Longmans: It is the oldest surviving English commercial publisher, founded in 1724 by Thomas Longman (1699-1755). Seven generations of the family controlled Longman until 1972 when it became part of Pearson Publishing Group. Longmans was known for being one of the publishers who commissioned Samuel Johnson's Dictionary (1746–55), as well publishing works by Wordsworth and Coledrige as well as Thomas Moore's Lalla Rookh

Macmillan: The publishing house was founded by Daniel and Alexander Macmillan in 1843. In the 19th century Macmillan published works from Charles Kingsley, Christina Rossetti, Matthew Arnold, Lewis Carroll, Alfred Tennyson and Thomas Hardy. 20th century authors published by Macmillan included: W. B. Yeats, Rabindranath Tagore, Seán O'Casey and Margaret Mitchell. Non-fiction works were also published including the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (1877).  From 1995-1999 Holtzbrinck Publishing Group took over the company ending the Macmillan family's ownership of the company. 

James Nisbet: James Nisbet was founded in the 1809 and published children's works including the Janet and John series of children's books, as well as various theological works. In 2008 James Clarke acquired the firm.  


Routledge: George Routledge founded the publishing firm in 1836 specialising in selling inexpensive imprints of works of fiction to rail travellers. As railways usage grew the business expanded. In 1858 the company rebranded as 'Routledge, Warne & Routledge' but by 1865 the firm was known as 'George Routledge & Sons.' From 1899 to 1902 the firm restructured following impending bankruptcy and in 1912 the firm took over the management of Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. From 1912 onwards the company concentrated on academic and scholarly publishing. in 1947, George Routledge and Sons finally merged with Kegan Paul Trench Trubner. ln 1998 Routledge became a subdivision and imprint of its the Taylor & Francis Group.

Ward, Lock & Co: The firm was founded in 1854 and specialised in cheap periodicals, reference works, and yellow-back fiction. Authors published by the firm included Mary Elizabeth Braddon and works on travel, railways, mechanics, and reprints of classical works. In the early 1990s it was taken over by Orion.

Astolat Press: The press was owned by A C Curtis, a Guildford stationer and flourished in the early 20th century. Curtis founded the press to publish works of poetry and other literature and named hte press as in Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, the town of Astolat is identified as Guildford.

Alston Rivers: L.J. Bathurst and R.B. Byles founded the press and published novels by Whyte Melville and Gilbert and Sullivan operas. Over the early 20th century Alston Rivers published travel books, poetry and novels before closing as a firm in 1930.

Ballantyne Press: Ballantyne Press was created by Walter Scott in Edinburgh in the early 19th century.

Avon Booklet: J Thomson, 10 Craven Gardens, Wimbledon published a number of reprinted works under 'Avon Booklet' from 1904-1905. Each cost one shilling.

David Douglas: David Douglas (1823–1916) was a Scottish publisher in the 19th century. He led various publishing partnerships including David Douglas, Edmonston & Douglas, and Douglas & Foulis. He published various Scottish authors including John Stuart Blackie and Dr John Brown. 

Elkin Mathews: Elkin Mathews (1851-1921) opened an antiquarian bookshop in Exeter in 1884, moving to London in 1887 to establish a new shop in Vigo Street with John Lane. Together they founded the Bodley Head (named after the shop's sign) and this publishing venture was a leading imprint for avant-garde writers including Oscar Wilde, Ernest Dowson, WB Yeats and Beardsley. However the partnership ended with the publication of John Lanes periodical TheYellow Book. Mathews developed his own imprint with two successful poetry series: the ‘Shilling Garland’ and the ‘Vigo Cabinet.’.Mathews also published books by modernist writers such as Yeats' Wind among the Reeds (1899). The firm continued under Mathew's name until 1945.

Eveleigh Nash: Eveleigh Nash (1873-1956) was an early 20th century publisher. The firm published four of Arthur Conan Doyle's works in the 1920s and was known in that time period as 'Eveleigh Nash & Grayson.'

Sampson, Low & Marston: Sampson Low (1797–1886) founded the firm in London in 1848 with his eldest son. The firm issued works by authors such as Henry Morton Stanley and Jules Verne. Over the course of the 19th century the firm had various names including: Sampson Low, Son & Co; Sampson Low, Son & Marston; Sampson Low, Marston & Company; Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. The business continued to 1964.

Leonard Smithers: Leonard Smithers (1861-1907) was a London publisher associated with the Decadent movement. He was friendly with the explorer and orientalist Sir Richard Francis Burton and published Burton's translation of Book of One Thousand and One Nights (1885)Smithers published works by Aubrey Beardsley, Max Beerbohm, Aleister Crowley, Ernest Dowson, and Arthur Symons. With Symons and Beardsley, he founded The Savoy (1896). After Oscar Wilde's trials in 1895 Smithers was one of the few publishers prepared to handle "decadent" literature, such as Wilde's The Ballad of Reading Gaol (1898).

Upcott Gill: L Upcott Gill was a late 19th / early 20th century publisher, producing predominantly nature works. 

Ward & Downey: Ward & Downey was a partnership between Osbert Ward and Edmund Downey from 1884-1895. Some of Downey's letters are held in the National Library of Ireland.

Wells Gardner Darnton: William Darnton founded the firm in 1782 and they predominantly published children's literature and were pioneering in doing so.

Chiswick Press: Founded originally in 1789 by Charles Whittingham in Fetter Lane, it moved to Chiswick in 1810 and back to London in 1852 where Whittingham's nephew carried on the press until his death in 1876. The press continued until 1880 when George Bell, of George Bell & Sons acquired it. Bell's sons managed Chiswick Press until 1919 when it was incorporated as Charless Whittingham & Griggs Ltd. Many fine works were preinted to the orders of other leading publishers. 

De la More Press: Alexander Moring founded it in 1895 in London. The object was 'the production of ordinary commerical work in a manner worhty of the craft and at a price which was not prohibitive.' The Press specialised in reprints of older classics and literugical books. Caslon Old Face was the type principally used. 

The Egoist: Initially the publishing imprint was founded in 1916 to publish The Egoist, a philosophical and literary monthly review which ended in 1919. The Egoist Press' first publication was James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man which couldn't be circulated by ordinary publishing channels and for this reason was printed in the US. 

Hogarth Press: Leonard and Virginia Woolf started this semi-public hand-press in 1917 in order to publish works which for various reasons were unfit for publication through ordinary channels. The experiment was a success and the press expanded to publish books printed for Hogarth Press by commerical printers. The preferred type is Caslon Old Face and a speiciality is bindings in coloured papers over boards. 

Nonesuch Press: In 1923 the firm was founded in London by Vera Mendel with David Garnett advising on modern literature and Francis Meynell supervising book production. The press is named after the Tudor Palace of Nonesuch; the building itself and two figures from one of its preserved tapestries suggested the devices of the press. The aim of the press included "founded in the interest of those among book collectors who also use books for reading. It was set up in the determination to choose and make books according to a triple ideal: significance of subject, beauty of format and moderation of prince." Nonesuch Press published its own books but did not do the actual printing, instead using a preferred list of printers. Nonesuch Press had preferred type including: Garamond, Fell, Plantin, Baskerville, Caslon and Neuland. 

Brown & Polson: Brown & Polson are best known as the patented producer of cornflour. Their cornflour is a pure fine white corn starch milled from maize grain from which the outer hull, germ and gluten have been removed by a patented milling process. It is gluten free and finely milled, therefore it is naturally smoother than ordinary flour to give superior results for cooking and baking. In the early 20th century the firm published a number of recipe books featuring cornflour.

The Books

In Business: Duckworth - The Revolt and the Escape

Cover and title page to Villiers de L'Isle Adam's The Revolt and the Escape. Trans. Theresa Barclay. London: Duckworth, 1901.

In Business: Methuen - In the Roar of the Sea

Cover and title page of Sabine Baring-Gould's In the Roar of the Sea: A Tale of the Cornish Coast. London: Methuen, 1892.

Merged: George Allen - Second Book of Nursery Rhymes

Front cover of Ye Second Booke of Nursery Rhymes. Set to music by Joseph S. Moorat. Illust. by Paul Woodroofe. London: Ruskin House, George Allen, 1896.

The book has a quarter binding of green cloth with cream paper over boards. The front cover has the title in brown and blue, and the composer and artist in blue. The front cover has a green and blue pattern of peacocks and flowering trees. The book has 32 nursery rhymes with accompanying music score and decorations. Theo Marzials wrote the preface.

Merged: George Allen - Second Book of Nursery Rhymes

Walter Crane's bookplate and manuscript dedication to him by George Allen in Ye Second Booke of Nursery Rhymes. Set to music by Joseph S. Moorat. Illust. by Paul Woodroofe. London: Ruskin House, George Allen, 1896.

The endpapers are illustrated in green and white pattern of sailing ships. This item has Walter Crane’s bookplate and a manuscript note from the publisher George Allen to Crane.

Merged: George Allen - Second Book of Nursery Rhymes

Music of 'This Little Pig Went to Market' in Ye Second Booke of Nursery Rhymes. Set to music by Joseph S. Moorat. Illust. by Paul Woodroofe. London: Ruskin House, George Allen, 1896.

The title page and illustrations are printed within line photoengraved compartments. Paul Woodroffe (1875-1954) was a British book illustrator and stained-glass artist. He completed full page art nouveau illustrations in Ye Second Booke of Nursery Rhymes.

Merged: Jonathan Cape - Best Poems 1933

Dust-jacket to Best Poems of 1933, selected by Thomas Moult. London: Jonathan Cape, 1933.

Thomas Moult (1893–1974) was an English writer and poets. He is known for his annual anthologies Best Poems of the Year which ran from 1922 to 1943. These were taken from periodicals on both sides of the Atlantic. The Best Poems of the Year contained popular verse selections. The Best Poems of Year were decorated by Philip Hagreen, John Austen, Elizabeth Montgomery, Merlyn Mann, Agnes Miller Parker, Mary M Kessell, Hans Aufseeser, N I Cannon, John R Parsons. Letters by Moult are held in the University of Leeds.

Merged: Jonathan Cape - Best Poems of 1933

Endpapers to Best Poems of 1933, selected by Thomas Moult. London: Jonathan Cape, 1933.

Elizabeth Montgomery also decorated 1930, 1932, 1934 and 1939.

Merged: Jonathan Cape - Best Poems of 1935

Title Page to Best Poems of 1933, selected by Thomas Moult. London: Jonathan Cape, 1933.


Merged: Jonathan Cape - Best Poems of 1935

Endpapers to Best Poems of 1935. Selected by Thomas Moult. London: Jonthan Cape, 1935.

Agnes Miller Parker (1895–1980) was a British engraver and illustrator providing work for various writers  including Richard Jefferies and Thomas Gray as well as for titles for the Limited Editions Club of New York.

Merged: Jonathan Cape - Best Poems of 1935

Title page to Best Poems of 1935. Selected by Thomas Moult. London: Jonthan Cape, 1935.

Merged: Jonathan Cape - Best Poems 1937

Endpapers to Best Poems of 1937. Selected by Thomas Moult. London: Jonathan Cape, 1937.

Mary M Kessell (1914 – 1977) was a British painter, illustrator, designer and war artist during World War II. Part of her papers are held in the Imperial War Museum.

Merged: Jonathan Cape - Best New Poems of 1937

Title page to Best Poems of 1937. Selected by Thomas Moult. London: Jonathan Cape, 1937.

Merged: Fisher Unwin - The Halls

Title page to G.F. Scotson-Clark's The Halls. London: Fisher Unwin, n.d.

This item is a first edition with 24 full page lithographs after woodcuts. George Gamble provides an introductory essay describing the music hall artists as."mostly, a music-hall artiste is a person who has to roar, bellow, screech, caterwaul for supremacy throughout a mere orchestral free-fight."

Taken Over: A&C Black - Charm of Gardens

Cover of Dion Clayton Calthrop's The Charm Gardens. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1910.
The Charm Gardens has green cloth over boards, wit titling and illustration in green on the front cover within a vine border of white, black and green.

Taken Over: A&C Black - Charm of Gardens

Title page of Dion Clayton Calthrop's The Charm Gardens. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1910.

Taken Over: A&C Black - Plant Life

Title page of Charles Hall's Plant-Life. London: A & C Black, 1915.

Plant-Life has 74 plates and 80 figures throughout the book.

Taken Over: Cassell - Flowers from Shakespeare's Garden

Cover to Walter Crane's Illustrated Flowers from Shakespeare's Garden: A Posy from the Plays. London: Cassell, 1906.
Each page features a magnificent full page colour portrayal of a humanised flower with reference to the Shakespeare play in which the flower is mentioned. There are 40 flowers in total. The books is bound in cloth-backed pictorial boards with floral patterned endpapers.

Taken Over: Dent - Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights

Title page to E. Dixon's Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights. London: Dent, 1893.

The book is bound in green decorative cloth with gilt titles to spine and front cover. There are five black and white plates and numerous black and white illustrations.

Taken Over: Heinemann - Undine

Endpapers of Karl De La Motte-Fouque's Undine. London: Heinemann, 1909.

Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué (1777–1843) was a German writer in the Romantic period. He is best known for the fairytale novella Undine. Undine is water fairy who marries a knight, Huldebrand, in order to gain a soul.  Special Collections‘ copy is the unabridged English translation by William Leonard Courtney with illustrations by Arthur Rackham. Arthur Rackham (1867–1939) was one of the leading illustrators from the ‘Golden Age’ of British book illustration, c.1890–1918.  Rackham’s illustrations in Undine comprise 15 colour plates and 41 line drawings. For additional images see this post on The River-side.

Taken Over: John Lane at the Bodley Head - Book of Old Fashioned Flowers

Cover to Harry Roberts' The Book of Old Fashioned Flowers. London: Lane / Bodley Head, 1904.

The Book of Old Fashioned Flowers is bound in a blue gilt pictorial cloth,. There are 8 coloured plates and 35 full-page plates in monochrome with bumerous in text illustrations by H. J. Ford.

Taken Over: Longmans - Book of Romance

Cover to Andrew Lang's The Book of Romance. London: Longmans, 1902.

Taken Over: Longmans - Book of Romance

Endpaper to Andrew Lang's The Book of Romance. London: Longmans, 1902.

Taken Over: Macmillan - The Forest Lovers

Cover and title page to Maurice Hewlett's The Forest Lovers: A Romance. London: Macmillan, 1898.

The Forest Lovers was Hewlett's first work, was published to popular and critical acclaim. The binding has a distinctive green cloth, with overall decorative stamping in darker green with gilt lettering.

Taken Over: Routledge - British Ferns and Their Allies

Cover to Thomas Moore's British Ferns and Their Allies. London: Routledge, 1865.

Thomas Moore (1821-1887) was an English gardener and botanist. He studied ferns and fern allies from Great Britain and Ireland. He served at curator of the Society of the Apothecaries Garden from 1848-1887 and in 1855 published The Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland. This book heralded a craze for ferns or “pteridomania” during the nineteenth century perhaps because of the exquisite delicacy of the images projected

Defunct: Astolat Press - On Gardens

Title page to Francis Bacon and Abraham Cowley's On Gardens: Two Essays. Guildford: Curtis, 1903.

A.C.Curtis, produced this series of Astolat Oakleaf. Each item was bound in grey paper covered boards with light red cloth spine, and titled in dark green on front cover and in gilt on spine.

Defunct: Alston Rivers - Privy Seal

Title page to Ford Madox Hueffer's Privy Seal: His Last Venture. London: Alston Rivers, 1907.

Ford Madox Hueffer is better known as Ford Madox Ford. Privy Seal is the second part of the trilogy detailing the unwilling rise of Catherine Howard to the position of Henry VIII's wife.

Defunct: Avon Booklet - Russian Popular Tales

Cover of George Borrow's Russian Popular Tales. London: J Thomson, [1904].

Defunct: David Douglas - The Lady or the Tiger?

Front and back cover to Frank Stockton's The Lady or the Tiger? And Other Stories. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1897

Defunct: David Douglas - The Lady or the Tiger?

Title page to Frank Stockton's The Lady or the Tiger? And Other Stories. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1897.

Defunct: Elkin Mathews - An Anthology of Nineties Verse

Cover to An Anthology of Nineties Verse. Compiled AJA Symons. London: Mathews, 1928.

Authors included in An Anthology of Nineties Verse: Aubrey Beardsley, Olive Custance, John Davidson, Lord Alfred Douglas, Evelyn Douglas (John Barlas), Ernest Dowson, Michael Field, John Gray, Laurence Housman, Lionel Johnson, Richard le Gallienne, Eugene Lee-Hamilton, Vincent O'Sullivan, Victor Plarr, J. A. Symonds, Arthur Symons, Francis Thompson, Oscar Wilde, Theodore Wratislaw, and, W. B. Yeats. An Anthology of Nineties Verse is a small book in yellow pictorial cloth featuring a design by Aubrey Beardsley. Beardsley also provided a second illustration for the title page which was a discarded design for An Evil Motherhood by Walt Ruding (1896, also Elkin Mathews).

Defunct: Eveleigh Nash - Captain Balaam...

Cover and title page of Morley Roberts' Captain Balaam of the Cormorant and Other Sea Stories. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1905.

Defunct: Sampson, Low & Marston - Yester-year: Ten Centuries of Toilette

Cover to Mrs Cashel Hoey's Yester-year: Ten Centuries of Toilette from the French of A. Robida. London: Sampson, Low & Marston, 1892.

Defunct: Sampson, Low & Marston - Honourable Mr Tawnish

Cover and title page to Jeffery Farnol's The Honourable Mister Tawnish. London: Sampson Low, Marston, 1913.


Defunct: Leonard Smithers - Ballad of Reading Gaol

Title / cover page to Oscar Wilde's The Ballad of Reading Gaol. London: Smithers, 1899.

The Ballad of Reading Gaol is printed on hand-made paper on one side of the page only. It is bound in original quarter white buckram on mustard boards. The first edition was one of 800 copies and was written by Oscar Wilde under the pseudonym of the number he was given in prison. It includes some of Wilde's most famous lines: "each man kills the thing he loves"; "some love too little, some too long, some sell while others buy"; "every prison that men build is built with bricks of shame".

Defunct: Ward & Downey - In Russian and French Prisons

Cover and title page of Petr Kropotkin's In Russian and French Prisons. London: Ward & Downey, 1887.

Defunct: Wells Gardner Darnton - Caravan Tales

Cover to Wilhelm Hauff's Caravan Tales and Some Others. London: Wells, Gardner Darnton, nd.

Defunct: Wells Gardner Darnton - Caravan Tales

Cover to Wilhelm Hauff's Caravan Tales and Some Others. London: Wells, Gardner Darnton, nd.

Fine Printing: Chiswick Press - Diversi Colores

Title page to Herbert Horne's Diversi Colores. London: Chiswick Press, 1891.

Horne, author, architect and co-founder of the "Century Guild Hobby Horse" designed the red stylised bouquet on the title page and the illustration of the publisher's device in red on last page.

Fine Printing: De la More Press - Garcia Lorca

Cover to Gregorio Prieto's Garcia Lorca As A Painter. London: De La More Press, 1969.

Garcia Lorca As A Painter is blindstamped green buckram with a gilt title on the spine.

Fine Printing: De la More Press - Garcia Lorca

Title page to Gregorio Prieto's Garcia Lorca As A Painter. London: De La More Press, 1969.

There are 10 tipped-in illustrations and a portrait of Lorca in the work.

Fine Printing: The Egoist - The Poems of Anyte Tegea

Cover and title page of The Poems of Anyte Tegea. Translated by Richard Aldington. London: Egoist, 1919.

The Poems of Anyte Tegea is contained in original cream wrappers with titles to covers in blue. It is printed at the Pelican Press and is no.2 in the series.

Fine Printing: Hogarth Press - Reminiscences of a Student's Life

Title page of Jane Ellen Harrison's Reminiscences of a Student's Life. London: Hogarth, 1925.

This is a memoir by one the first female professional academics, and founders of modern study of Greek mythology.

Fine Printing: Nonesuch Press - Brokenbrow

Title page of Ernst Toller's Brokenbrow. Trans. Vera Mendel. London: Nonesuch Press, 1922.

This is the first illustrated edition with ten full page drawings by Georg Grosz. Both Grosz and Toller had a social critical attitude toward German society. Grosz had to emigrate after 1933. Brokenbrow projects all of Toller's pessimism following the failure of the Bavarian Revolution of 1818, and his subsequent imprisonment.

Cookery: Brown & Polson - Light Fare Recipes for Corn Flour and "Raisley" Cookery

Title page to Light Fare Recipes for Corn Flour and "Raisley" Cookery. London Brown & Polson, n.d.

This is a first edition bound in original yellow cloth with a pictorial paper label on the front board. It contains classified and general indices, as well as an introduction for the use of corn flour.

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