Lyall on Land Law (5th ed., 2023) by Noel McGrath is now available.
Oxford Law Trove
The following eBook editions have been made available - Cases & Materials on International Law (Dixon, 7th ed.); Competition Law (Whish, 11th ed.); EU Law: Text, Cases and Materials (Craig, 8th ed.).
2 new titles International Law of Human Rights (1st ed.) and Legal Ethics (3rd ed.) have been added to the subscription.
Brepols Publishers
A number of new resources are available from Brepols Publishers and include Brepolis Latin Complete and Sources Chretiennes Online. Details available here.
116 eBooks from the CABI Human & Food Science eBook Collection are now available on the OVID platform.
Irish Newspaper Archives
3 new titles have been added to the platform: Irish Echo (1935-1939), Mayoman (1919-1921), Northern Whig (1927). Coverage of other titles (e.g. Limerick Leader/Southern Star/Western People), has been supplemented to include holding gaps. Two new publications Roscommon Champion (1944-2010) and The Roscommon Journal (1828-1927) were added to the database in February 2025.
Oxford Scholarship Online
Access available to over 7,100 eBook titles in the History, Law, and Political Science Collections. The access is available until July 2025.
Sage Business Foundations and Sage Campus are 2 new resources available for the 2024/2025 academic session. To access Sage Campus content, users must register a personal account using their UCC email credentials, and then they will be able to enroll on the available courses.
DNV Rules & Standards Explorer+
DNV is a leading provider of services for maritime, energy, and other industries, with a focus on safety, efficiency, and decarbonization. As an academic institution, University College Cork qualifies for free access to DNV Rules and Standards Explorer+ resource. To access DNV Rules and Standards Explorer+, please email LibraryResources@ucc.ie
You will then receive an invitation to set up your own personal DNV Rules and Standards Explorer+ account.
Statista is one of the world's leading portals offering access to statistics and studies on 80,000 topics and 170 industries via its website. Statista enables users to quickly and conveniently access relevant market and consumer data and to easily process it.
Wolters Kluwer - UpToDate
UpToDate is an evidence based, clinical information resource, which answers clinical questions. The UpToDate Mobile App is available on both the App Store and Google Play.
Backfiles as indicated are now available for the following titles on the ScienceDirect platform:
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (1959-1994); Chemical Physics (1973-1994); Chemical Physics Letters (1967-1994); Journal of Chromatography A (1958-1994); Nuclear Physics B (1967-1994); Tetrahedron (1957-1994); Tetrahedron: Asymmetry (1990-1994); Tetrahedron Letters (1959-1994).
The backfile for Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications (1977-1994) was purchased by UCC in June 2024.
UCC Library has access to additional eBook collections for the 2024/2025 academic session, offering access to titles published during the period 2021 - 2024. The relevant collections are:
Behavioral Science and Psychology, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Business and Management, Earth and Environmental Science, Economics and Finance, Education, Engineering, Intelligent Technologies and Robotics, Literature, Cultural and Media Studies, Mathematics and Statistics, Medicine, Philosophy and Religion, Social Sciences.
Some recently acquired eJournal / eBook titles include the following:
American Journal of Surgical Pathology (Ovid); Community Dental Health Journal; Nature Chemistry; Nature Climate Change; Nature Electronics; Nature Physics; Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology; Nature Reviews Psychology
Borderline Citizens: Women, gender and political culture in Britain, 1815-1867
Global Urban Justice: The Rise of Human Rights Cities
How to Read a Poem: And Fall in Love with Poetry
Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation: New Perceptions
Narrative Strategies for Participation in Dante's Divine Comedy