MLA International Bibliography
How US Companies can navigate the new EU AI Act - podcast
Wolters Kluwer
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Some references to start the new Semester:
A Student's Writing Guide: How to Plan and Write Successful Essays
Academic Skills for Interdisciplinary Studies: Revised Edition
Cite Them Right: The Essential Referencing Guide
Complex Numbers: An Introduction for First Year Students
Doing Your Master's Dissertation (From Start to Finish)
How to Design, Write, and Present a Successful Dissertation Proposal
Mastering Scientific Presentations: Unlocking Your Communication Skills
Note Taking Activities in e-Learning Environments
Refining Your Academic Writing: Strategies for Reading, Revising and Rewriting
Studying Geography at University: How to Succeed in the First Year of Your New Degree
Succeeding With Your Master's Dissertation: A Step-By-Step Handbook
Surviving Your First Year at University: A Student Toolkit
The New Science of Learning: How to Learn in Harmony with Your Brain
The Student's Writing Guide for the Arts and Social Sciences
You've Got This: A Student's Guide to Well-Being at University and Beyond
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A 13-hour planned maintenance on the remote access server will commence at 05.00am on Saturday, 21 December. Remote access to resources may be unavailable for up to six hours during the maintenance window.
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Commencing at 07.00am on Sunday, 22 December, OneSearch will undergo essential maintenance. During the 2-hour maintenance window, there may be intermittent linking issues from OneSearch. The availability of the eJournals & eBooks portal may also be intermittent.