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Electronic Resources @ UCC Library: Home

Information for UCC staff and students in relation to accessing electronic resources to support their learning, teaching and research.

Welcome to Electronic Resources @ UCC Library

UCC Library provides access to a wide range of electronic resources that support learning, teaching and research.

Use of the electronic resources is subject to copyright law and the licence agreements that UCC signs with the electronic resource providers.  Copyright of resources is owned by the Publisher except as noted otherwise on individual articles.  No material from the online journals or ebooks may be substantially or systematically reproduced, re-engineered, redistributed, resold or sub-licenced in any way; no part of the journals or ebooks may be supplied or distributed to an unauthorised user.  Use of e-resources with generative artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT is not permitted.  Some journals and books are only available in print.  Please read the Terms & Conditions of Use provided.

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