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Management and Marketing: Market Research

Management, HRM, Marketing

Books on Market Research from UCC Library catalogue

Market Research

Market research reports contain  data about the size and characteristics of the market for particular goods and services.

Market research reports are usually not freely available. The reports are generally produced for the commercial sector and  are very expensive to purchase .

The main sources of information for market research at UCC Library are :

 Euromonitor Passport database provides market size  statistics  as well as  market share rankings of consumer goods companies and there is information on the top brands and companies in a country or market sector. Euromonitor lifestyle statistics go back to 1990, and a 6 year historical series is available for some statistical series.Includes economic indicators, demographic data, foreign trade statistics.

Business Source Complete  On the main search page choose the 'market research reports' under the 'publication type' heading.

ABI Inform  On the main search page choose the 'data and reports' tab 

   Nexis UK On the home page click on the 'sources' tab amd then choose 'industries and markets

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