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Spaces & Equipment: Microform Readers & Printers

Spaces & equipment available in Special Collections and Archives.

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Microform Reader Printers

UCC Library Special Collections and Archives Service have Microform Reader and Reader/Printer for students, staff and external readers.

The Reader/Printers are located in the Microform Room where there is access to microfilm and microfiche maps, newspapers, manuscripts, parliamentary papers, literary manuscripts, journals and census.

Microform includes flat film, microfilm, aperture cards and microfiche.


Microform Reader

Using the Microform Reader/Printers

  1. Bring front glass forward and up.
  2. Load film onto iron nail on the left.
  3. Film goes from top to bottom under the glass and out the other side.
  4. Attach from the left into the nook on the right round holder so that it stays in place when fast-forwarding.
  5. Push back front glass to view.
  6. Front glass needs to be brought forward to fast-forward or fast-rewind. 
  7. When printing white writing on black paper: change to Positive / Fine / Control to Lightest Possible.

Microform reader/printer


Click for a PDF version:    Book Scanner Quick Guide

Using the Microform Reader

  1. Load film onto nail on the left.
  2. Film goes from bottom over to holder on the right.
  3. The film slides in from left and sticks.
  4. Ensure the cap is removed from the lens.
  5. No printing is possible from this machine.

Microform Reader

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If you have questions or comments about using the Book Scanner, please email

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