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Engineering: Theses

UCC Theses: Print Copies

Print copies of UCC Theses are stored in Closed Access in Special Collections in the basement of the Boole Library (Q-1).

They must be requested in advance (in person, by phone or via email). Theses must be consulted in the Special Collections Reference Reading Room. Photocopying and photographing theses is not permitted.

Email:  Tel: +353-21-4902282.

How Do I Find UCC Theses Through the Catalogue?

To find theses:

  • Go to the UCC Library Catalogue.
  • Select 'Theses' under 'Search Options' on the left of the screen, or click here.
  • You can search for the name of a department/school e.g. 'Department of Physiology' or you can search with keywords.
  • You can also find theses from specific departments here.

Another option is to do a regular Keyword search; then click on 'Modify Search' and limit your search to Material Type: Theses 

Note: The Call Number has either DP (PhD Thesis) or DM (Masters Thesis). Some have a link to the full text through CORA:



UCC Theses: Electronic Copies

CORA is the central repository for electronic copies of UCC doctoral theses. While the aim is to provide full-text access, in certain circumstances theses may not have been provided by the graduate, or may be embargoed in part or in full. Click here for more information.

Theses from Other Universities

Library databases:

  • Proquest Dissertations & Theses A&I: North American theses - previews but not full text. PDFs can be ordered through the database.
  • WorldCatDissertations: 8 million records from OCLC member libraries around the world. Click on 'List all databases' and choose WorldCatDissertations. Links to full text where available.

Note that the Inter Library Loans service may be able to source theses from other libraries.

Free resources:

  • RIAN: Ireland's National Database of Research Papers. Browse by Publication to find theses with links to full text.
  • ETHOS (British Library): free web resource, aims to provide a 'single point of access' to theses produced by UK Higher Education institutions.
  • DART-Europe E-theses portal: free web-resource, provides links to full-text research theses from over 500 universities sourced from 28 European countries.
  • TROVE: Australia and New Zealand. Limit search by format ‘Thesis’.
  • Theses Canada: 1965 – to present.
  • NDLTD: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. Links to full text.
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