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Food and Nutritional Science: Journals & Databases

A guide for food and nutritional sciences students to UCC library resources

Journals and eJournals



Find specific electronic & print journals by searching the Journal Portal 

Use  'food' or 'nutrition'  as keywords to get an idea of what is available.

You can also access a list of e-journals from "Getting Started" page of this libguide.

What is an Academic Journal?

A 'periodical' or 'serial' = any publication published regularly (includes magazines, newspapers, newsletters).

A ‘scholarly’/academic’ journal:  periodical containing research articles, that is peer-reviewed, and aimed at researchers.

Peer review: every paper/article submitted to the journal is reviewed by independent experts. Papers are accepted/rejected based on quality.

Top Databases for Food & Nutritional Sciences

Reference Resources

Materials such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias etc. which provide a concise information on a given subject and can be referred to in course of discussion are called Reference Collection.

Encyclopedias on Food and related areas.

Handbooks on Food and related areas.




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