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Measuring your Publications' Impact: Group Metrics

Find out how you can measure and monitor the impact of your publications

Publication Metrics for a Research Institute, Centre or Unit

The main citation databases Web of Science and Scopus allow you to see an individual researcher's citation profile via an Author Search or an institution's profile via an Affiliation Search. The databases have aggregated publications into these groupings. For research groups, it is often not as straightforward to get a profile of publications. Complicated searches or lists of publications and data analyses outside of these databases is often required. 

The SciVal tool from Elsevier facilitates easier tracking and analyses of a group's publications if they have been indexed by the Scopus database. It is possible to create a research entity which can be used within SciVal for further analyses by importing a list of publications or creating a group of researchers. 

Once an entity has been created, overview metrics are readily extracted and easily analysed. It is possible to benchmark against peers and create reports to monitor publications’ performance over time.  

SciVal Overview

Research Group

Research Group

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Snowball Metrics

Snowball Metrics are a set of standardised research metrics developed by the higher education sector for the sector. While acknowledging that metrics are only part of the evaluation picture, the Snowball Metrics aim to offer "a robust framework for measuring research performance and related data exchange and analysis, providing a consistent approach to information and measurement between institutions, funders and government bodies" 

A set of mutually agreed and tested methodologies is made available in the "Snowball Metrics Recipe Book". For scholarly outputs they include the following metrics. These metrics may be useful for a research group to consider when profiling their publications output. 

  • Scholarly Output
  • Citation Count
  • Citations per Output
  • h-index
  • Field-Weighted Citation Impact
  • Outputs in Top Percentiles
  • Publications in Top Journal Percentiles


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