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History: Special Collections

Selected for President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching 2016/17

Listen to Dr Malgorzata D'Aughton (School of History) & Dr Jillian Rogers (Dept. of Music) discussing their selection for a President's Award for Excellence in Teaching 2016/2017, specifically for innovative pedagogies and embedding research in the curriculum. They were particularly keen to point out the role that their collaboration with UCC Library plays in their teaching and research.

Guides for Special Collections

For information on Special Collections see here.

Module and course guides on specific areas of Special Collections:

  • HI 1004: Inquiry Based Research Project
  • HI 2105: Case Studies for Franciscans, Franciscans in the East, Eastern Europe in the 1980s or The Big House
  • HI 3122: Art & Religious Devotion
  • HI 3200: Case Studies for Communications Culture & Identity, History of Poland from 1918 Onwards, Ireland & Empire, Irish Diaspora, Irish Women & Society, Place People and History, The Great Famine, War & Revolution in Cork
  • MA in Local History
  • MA in the Irish Revolution, 1912-1923
  • MA in Medieval History

History Collections

Collection: Green Coat School

The school started as a private foundation for the children of poor Protestant families on Cork city’s northside.  It was so called because the uniform was a green coat and cap. This school and the Cork Blue Coat School became closely linked to the city and to public charity. Both schools were vocationally oriented. The collection contains political books and pamphlets, especially concerning the Catholic-Protestant relationship, items on theology, philosophy and ethics. 

Item: Pietas Corcagiensis: or, A view of the Green-coat Hospital and other charitable foundations in the parish of St. Mary Shandon, Corke: shewing the several steps that have been taken in erecting and supporting those charities. Cork: Publish'd by order of the trustees (and sold for the use) of that hospital: Printed by Samuel Terry, 1721.

Collection: St Fin Barre's Cathedral

The library was founded in 1720 by Bishop Browne and purchased by the University Library in 1984. The private collections of Archdeacon Pomeroy (1725), Bishop Crow of Cloyne (1727) and Bishop Stopford (1805) form the bulk of the collection which consists of c3,000 v. The main subject areas are theology and ecclesiastical matters, but the classics, history, literature and science are also represented. Most of the books were printed in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, chiefly in London and Dublin. There are three small collections of pamphlets dealing with: (i) the Popish plot, and religious controversy, etc of the last quarter of the 17th century, chiefly English printing; (ii) Political and miscellaneous tracts of the early 18th century, chiefly Dublin printing; (iii) Irish pamphlets of the last decades of the 18th century, tithe war, economics, politics etc. 

Item: Abbadie, Jacques. A vindication of the truth of Christian religion against the objections of all modern opposers. Trans. Henry Lussan. London: Jonathan Robinson, 1694. See Matters French for Huguenot related histories. 

Collection: Older Printed Books

The collection was established in the 1970s by withdrawing items published before 1851 from the Library’s general holdings. Most of these items were purchased between 1849 (when the College was founded) and 1900; some were received from institutions such as the Royal Cork Institution, the old Cork Public Library and the Royal Irish Academy. It contains c13,000 volumes, including almost 2,000 volumes of folio and elephant folio size. The main subject coverage is history: Irish, English and European; philology, palaeography, literature, music, philosophy, natural sciences and medicine are also represented. The majority of items are from the 18th and 19th centuries with a small portion from the 16th and 17th centuries.

Item: MacGeoghegan, James. Histoire de l’Irlande ancienne et moderne, tirée des monumens les plus authentiques. Paris: Antoine Boudet, 1758. See Matters French for other French histories of Ireland. 

Reference Sources


A range of newspapers both on microform and in paper. See the Newspaper guide for more information. 

Item: Advertisement for land in The Corke Journal. The Newspaper guide discusses this newspapers in more detail.

State Papers

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