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Special Collections & Archives' Outreach & Engagement: Digitised Henebry / O'Neill Wax Cylinders

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Henebry O'Neill Wax Cylinder Collection

UCC's Wax Cylinder Collection consists of two series of cylinders:

  • One series are American in origin, recorded by Captain Francis O’Neill in Chicago prior to 1905. They consist of recordings of some of the best known Chicago-Irish musicians of the day, including the pipers Patsy Touhey and James Early. and the fiddle player James McFadden. These were sent to Professor Henebry as a birthday present in 1907.
  • The second series Henebry recorded as part of a scheme funded in 1911. Almost all of this collection was made in the Déise region of Waterford, and as such comprises the earliest field recordings of Irish traditional music and singing.

Samples of Tunes

"The Steam Packet & Jenny Picking Cockles" was collected by Rev. Dr. Richard Henebry. It is an example of a reel and was performed by Tomás Ó Huigín. A PDF Transcription of the music may be downloaded here

"Green's Hornpipe" was collected by Francis O'Neill. It is an example of a hornpipe and was performed by John McFadden. A PDF Transcription of the music may be downloaded here


Further Information

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