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Special Collections & Archives' Outreach & Engagement: Home

How Special Collections & Archives interacts with the world.

How We Engage with Our Community

Special Collections & Archives, UCC Library is delighted to welcome all who wish to engage with our collections and services. Such engagement may be through:

  • our social media platforms: The River-side Blog and our Twitter presence
  • exhibitions in the dedicated space on Q floor, Boole Library
  • our digital collections: Manuscripts on Irish Script on Screen and the Henebry Wax Cylinder Collection
  • playing with our collections
  • stand-alone events or events associated with exhibitions
  • seasonal guides to tie into events.

Library Archivist

Profile Photo
Emer Twomey
Special Collections & Archives,
UCC Library,
University College Cork.
+353 (21) 490-3475


Profile Photo
Emma Horgan
Library Archivist,
Special Collections and Archives,
UCC Library,
University College Cork.
+353 (21) 490-3132
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